LederEasel Kit & EaselCaddy Bundle
per item
Save on your total cost when you purchase the LederEasel and EaselCaddy together as a bundle, and you save on shipping too! Carrying bags for both items are included.
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Note to European buyers: the LederEasel kit is available for purchase through https://www.pleinairgear.com which can save you money on shipping and taxes.
Please be aware that there may be duties or transportation fees charged by the shipping carrier and/or your country's laws on imported goods. These fees are to be paid by the recipient and are not the responsibility of the shipper. I am not responsible for delays or lost packages caused by the carrier
but will work to help resolve delivery issues.
Please be aware that there may be duties or transportation fees charged by the shipping carrier and/or your country's laws on imported goods. These fees are to be paid by the recipient and are not the responsibility of the shipper. I am not responsible for delays or lost packages caused by the carrier
but will work to help resolve delivery issues.